The month of Ramadan occupies a unique place in the memory and conscience of the Egyptians throughout the ages. For him, they held festive nights full of various kinds of entertainment and extravagance, in addition to their keenness at the same time to draw closer to God during his days.
يحتل شهر رمضان مكانة فريدة في ذاكرة ووجدان المصريين على مر العصور، وقد أصبغوه بمظاهر ومعان جعلته مختلفا عن سائر بلدان الشرق الأخرى، فأقاموا من أجله الليالي الاحتفالية العامرة بشتى صنوف اللهو والبذخ، إلى جانب حرصهم في ذات الوقت على التقرب إلى الله خلال أيامه
The travelers and orientalists who visited Egypt since the Middle Ages did not neglect to monitor the different lives of the general public in this particular month, and expressed their surprise at the emergence of certain customs and natures during this period and not others. A vibrant historical picture has been preserved for us until our time, dominated by accuracy and wit at the same time.