Kid Wiki%WP_TITLE_SEP%About Mammals


There are a lot of weird ideas and stories about goats. One strange idea is that goats will eat anything—even tin cans. هناك الكثير من الأفكار والقصص الغريبة عن الماعز.…

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A happy cat purrs contentedly on your lap. It suddenly comes to a halt. It twitches its whiskers. It raises its ears. It makes a beeline for the windowsill. It…

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Different types of Dolphins There are as a minimum forty distinctive species (kinds) of dolphins. Most dolphins are black, brown, or gray.The largest dolphins are killer whales (additionally known as orcas).…

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Deer are mammals with branched horns called antlers. There are many kinds of deer, and they live on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Reindeer, elk, and white-tailed deer are…

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